
Her Dog Blog seeks to find dog products that are innovative, healthy, and fun for both you and your dog.

You can reach me via e-mail at herdogblog@gmail.com

34 thoughts on “About

  1. Greetings from sunny Singapore! Thank you for finding us in the ever-expanding blogosphere. We’ll be happily exploring your blog and admiring your photos of Teton—what a cutie!

  2. Hi there! Just discovered your blog through a review you wrote on the Himalayandog chews. We just moved to Washington, so I appreciate the link to the Seattle Human Society Walk! Really appreciate your reviews so far. I have two little babies who I love to spoil. Looking forward to reading more.

  3. Hi Shannon, I understand Teton was originally a PUP dog! I saw your mention in Seattle Magazine and I was wondering if you’d mind if I provided a link in our PUP newsletter to your blog and Seattle Magazine article. Let me know, and Teton is beautiful! Patty (patster67@aol.com)

    1. Hi Patty! Thanks for the comment! Yes, Teton is PUP dog. 😀 You may absolutely provide a link to Her Dog Blog and the Seattle Magazine article in the next PUP newsletter! Can’t wait to read it. Teton says woof!

  4. RIngo is a mix of Japanese Spitz and Pomeranian. A Filipino version of Teton. 😀
    I was just actually browsing the net to check out some ideas for halloween and then i bumped into your blog when i saw Teton’s photos, i thought it was Ringo! i was amazed!

  5. I love your blog, Shan!
    ou are an excellent writer and knowing how much you love dogs and T especially just makes me feel good. 🙂

  6. I just found out about these guys http://www.peakwaggers.com/ who make lightweight camping/hiking food for dogs. I tried to order some (to review) but the cost is a little prohibitive to ship to Canada. If this is something you’re interested in, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

    1. Hi Preston! Thanks for the comment! I’ve heard of Peak Waggers but haven’t done much research on their products. It’s definitely an interesting idea, though. I love the idea of having an extra special treat for your dog when you’re camping, hiking, etc. I really wish there was a full ingredient list on the Peak Waggers site and that their “Feeding Instructions” link worked. If you end up taking the leap and giving their product a try, please let me know how your dog liked it!

  7. I am trying to find a website for a pic that was posted on pintrest, it was a product called dognest and the pic was labeled dognest4, the dog in it looks identical to my lab/chesapeake mix who just passed away. I am interested in finding out if perhaps the website with that dog knows of others related to that dog. I would love to find a new best friend.

  8. Hi Shannon- great blog. A few of my readers have been asking me recently bout how the breed of their dog can affect their homeowners insurance eligibility and rates. A lot of people don’t realize that there are over 20 dog breeds that are considered “ineligible” for coverage under a homeowners insurance policy. As a dog lover and an insurance professional, I tend to see both sides of the issue. I was wondering if you would be interested in posting one of my articles on the topic on your blog? Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


    P.S. Teton is adorable! He looks kind of like my Chow Chow!

  9. Hi! I just wanted to say that I love your blog! I found it when I was looking for info about Himalayan Dog Chews online for my Bearded Collie, Frankie. The treat and toy reviews are really great, I’m going to have to go shopping soon to look for some of these things for my spoiled pup!

  10. This is a great idea for a blog. My family has two dogs and we’re always looking for stuff to get for them. I look forward to seeing what you like and recommend.

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  12. Today at 10:55 AM
    My name is Kelly Killion, Owner of Wylie’s Naturals. We make all natural dog jerky treats that are always made in the USA. All of out treats are made out of USA ingredients that are from local markets. We use NO preservatives, additives, or fillers. We are trying to spread the word about our products and the importance of USA made treats. Too many dogs are still getting sick and even dying form these harmful treats. Wylie’s Naturals is providing a healthy and safe treat that you can feel good about giving your dog. Please check out our website and if you like our products we would love to have you review the. Thank you for your time.

    Kelly Killion

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